Sunday, December 31, 2006
home again!

Hi everybody!
These days have been really good... We have stayed in our dance teacher's flat, and she's young and friendly, so he let me be free... In the mornings we slept until 1 pm more or less, and in the afternoons we caught the underground and we discovered barcelona ourselfs. In the nights she allowed us to go out too, she gave us the keys!
The shows and the performance have been excepcional... the best thing about all of this is that I've enjoyed dancing. The worst, the nerves and the pressure. In general, I have done it well, one day better, one day worse.
I thinked that I never would say that, but, I will miss saturdays mornings. These months going to Barcelona have been for me a little bad because of the distance, the time we have to spend in the train, and the time we had to get up!!!! what a shit! But I like doing it. It was like a little holidays for me every weekend.
When the last show finished, I went out of the stage, and I listened to the last note of the last song, a tear was going down of my face. Unconscious, I've loved the people who were dancing with me. And I feel sad when I think that, maybe, I'm not gonna see them again. Never. They are all so nice... And there, in the dark of the backstage, I understood that I will miss the saturdays mornings and I will remember all this months forever. More important for me that I never realized. Emptier, incomplete.
Although, I wanna remember the good moments I'have spend these 3 or 4 days there. What a good way to finish this year... A year of happiness where I never had time to be bored.
Good new year for everyone! I love you people!
Happy birthday esgarrifulansus, today you are a litte older! Enjoy your 17, I hope this year we will see each other more.. Imiss you.
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hi again! :D But with a big difference, we are on holidays! I will be able to be a free another time!
Since we ended the classes, I've been sleeping and liying on the sofa, this is life! I don't like this days, Christmas in general, because all becomes very untrue and the people changes... But this time is different for me, I think we deserve a few non-working days.
Apart of my happiness produced by the number of hours I've been sleeping this days, today I've went to Barcelona to do the last rehearsal, the next week we are having the show. I'll be staying for some days in barcelona, living there! I'm nervous about the show, I think I can mistake in every moment, and I want to do it very good, my best. I know that now, I can't change the way I'm gonna dance, so I will enjoy dancing, that's all. And If I do it wrong.. well, it will make me feel a litle ashamed, but I'm human, I can't do it perfect. I'm feeling all the weight of these months of hard work over my shoulders... Maybe I think to much. Maybe I worry without reason. Only hopping for luck.
Bye boys and girls, I'm going to take a shower, and then I'm going to pachá!
Happy Christmas to everyone!
Much love*
(The feelings of the christmas has owned my soul too... But I really hope a good christmas to the nice people who are in my live, I love you and this days I'm missing some of you.)
[You're frozen, when your heart's not open.]
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Good weekend! and good short new week! ;)

Hello people! Here I'm another time!
Yesterday I went Barcelona and there I found people from here, a boy who worked last summer in Castelló and he and his mates usually were coming to the office! so I was suprised to find him!
In the night it was really fantastiiiiiiiiiiic! I enjoyed all the night! I felt like a fish in the water in the steps of the macro! we have to repeat it, isn't it girls and boys? although we were very frightened in the entrance, because of the security guards... They have asked us the DNI, but, fortunately, the guard allow us to go inside! Thanks man!I saw all of you happy last night, all fot you, and I felt happy too, for having you!*
And now, I wish to be Tuesday nignt! What a good week we'll have... I think I will be all the days sleeping :D like an our... I will be lazy.
Last Friday was very good to, I go in the bowling of figueres, in the night, celebring two birthdays. I like seeing all the people, because most of them are studying in Girona or Barcelona, so I can't see them so much! Happy birthay Joana! I love you! Enjoy your eighteen*