Monday, October 23, 2006
My weekend! 1

Hi everybody! oh, I've had a really stressed and busy weekend! luckly, this week I don't have any exams, and I will be more relaxed...
On Saturday morning, I get up at 6:15 am. to catch the train from figueres that leave at 6:55. Horrible! The train isn't very comfortable to sleep, so I couldn't sleep although I want... We arrived in Barcelona aproximatly at 9:00 and we go to have a breakfast. Then, at 10:00 we went to the dancing class, which durate 3-4 hours, depending on the day. The classes there are very tirying but I'm learning a lot, i think it's an oportunity and I have to take advantatges of the classes. If I don't go now, when will I learn? Now or never! Getting up at 6 am needs making effort but I think that all the efforts have a reward! When the class finished, we went to have lunch and we catch the train for coming to Figueres at 2:30. The RENFE is a shit, the trains don't arrive at time because the workers usually are on strike.. and on Saturday, the train arrived late. I can't stand the inpunctuality, it mak

I arrived at home at 5 pm, and I did my homework.
Then, at 9 pm I went to Banyoles, there was the festivity and there were many concerts on the night. It enjoyed,laughed a lot, I met old friends, friends and I'd known new nice people. The "barraques" are the best festivity of the world, at least of my world!
[And I wonder what you are dreaming, wondering if it's me you are seeing]
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Hi Carme! Finally I've found your blog^^=P
You are the dancing fairy of the class^^ I like the picture! And I agree to you: the RENFE suckss!
Well...I have to go to study our lovely Spanish History...:( see you tonight in Girona!=P
PD: Have you seen the new Pixar movie Chicken Little? I want to see it so someday we can rent it;)
You are the dancing fairy of the class^^ I like the picture! And I agree to you: the RENFE suckss!
Well...I have to go to study our lovely Spanish History...:( see you tonight in Girona!=P
PD: Have you seen the new Pixar movie Chicken Little? I want to see it so someday we can rent it;)
hi karme!! how are you?? I laugh a lot with you in class.. you know it! but... we must be most serious! =D
a big kiss!!
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a big kiss!!
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