Thursday, November 30, 2006
I can't wait for the weekend to begin...
I'm seeing the light! yeees! I have another examn on Tuesday, and, after this one, all this darkness will be... colour! For starting, tomorrow I'm going to a birthday in the bowling, and on Saturday Night we'll go to Pachá! The dance floor is waiting for us! The security guards will have to take us out...
Nothing more to say.
He was so poor, that he only had money.
[Why you have to go and make things so complicated?]
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well, yesterday I haven't good a good day... I was really disappointed with myself... I did a poor exam, I know I'm going to fail this exam... Probably, if I had failed another exam, I hadn't been so sad, but I felt sad because I knowed how to do this exercices, they weren't difficult... But I hadn't been able to do them. It really drived me mad and I wanted to cry, I felt impotent, especially because I love that subject.
Probably is because of it that today I've been unbearable, I'm sorry. You know that it's very easy to me to go up and down... and I become angry too. Thanks for your patience.*
[I need a piece of chocolate.]
Monday, November 27, 2006
Surprises are always next to me, when you less expect them, they arrive, and you discover that the world is very little. I like this kind of coincidences! It's incredible... Sometimes, are very welcome, but other times, you would to be transparent. Well, I think that all the curious things come to me...XDD It cannot be usual!
Definetely, I like this suprises, going out thinking "what strange think is going to happen today", but you can't imagine how big can be the coincidences. The other Sunday, when I get up, I was thinking that it has been a dream, but not, sometimes the reality is less real than dreams. But, some dreams, never come real. It will always be like this.
But, this are the things that make you feel alive, when your heart starts beating fast...
[I wanna thing that all the things happen for a reason, and I'll find it!]
Saturday, November 25, 2006
A no-home day xD

HI MATES! How are you? I'm a bit tired... This morning I've went to barcelona to dance, and in the afternoon I've gone to Pachá in empuriabrava!
Yes, no in the night, in the afternoon! It's a little bizarre, because we use to go to the disco at the nights, but going at the evening it's good too! And, going at the afternoons, you can sleep more! :D
I've gone there with Júlia and Felix, Marc, Tomy and Philip. We have known m.. how to say..a mysterious and interesting person for Juju, isn't he? jaja! And nice girls.. and we have danced enjoyed a afteroon. Good news, I think we deserve having fun! la la la... I'm happy. I have done good exams this week (well, in my opinion good exams, I hope that the teachers will have the same opinion). I haven't done anything of work today, perfect. xD I don't wanna think about all the work I will have to do tomorrow because today I've been a big lazy person. I have enjoyed today. I'm going to sleep a lot of hours. Byeeeeee*
[SwEeT DrEaMs]
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I will survive
I'm sorry for my bored words, but so many study have left me without imagination. I will survive all this tests, I must survive. I can.
[miss on her own]
Thursday, November 16, 2006
My world, my people.
Well, in fact, these days could have been worse... These days are better if you spend some time every day with de people you love, people that love you too, that give the words you need in every different moment. They are always at your side to calm you if you are stressed, and if you have done a bad exam, they are ready to make you laugh and cheer up you.
I've been thinking about it a lot, because next year... well, i don't know yet how I will do to survive without some of you! My people are the most important think for me... I can't stand being (or feeling) alone. You know, i need something of each of you to go on every day!
I know that in the future, I will think about these busy days of second of batxillerat, but I won't remembre the exams, I will remember being at your side, laughing at the problems in the class.
I wouldn't change this moments for nothing!
Thanks for beeing how you are, simply the bests. You know I love you so!
Bye bye, I've becomed a little sad. See you soon*