Monday, November 27, 2006

Today I've been thinking in coincidences... very usually in my life!
Surprises are always next to me, when you less expect them, they arrive, and you discover that the world is very little. I like this kind of coincidences! It's incredible... Sometimes, are very welcome, but other times, you would to be transparent. Well, I think that all the curious things come to me...XDD It cannot be usual!

Definetely, I like this suprises, going out thinking "what strange think is going to happen today", but you can't imagine how big can be the coincidences. The other Sunday, when I get up, I was thinking that it has been a dream, but not, sometimes the reality is less real than dreams. But, some dreams, never come real. It will always be like this.
But, this are the things that make you feel alive, when your heart starts beating fast...

[I wanna thing that all the things happen for a reason, and I'll find it!]

Freak!=P I agree to you...coincidences are something always present in our lives and I think that while we're teenagers...more than ever, aren't they??

SeE you tomorrow! Pacha was awesome!***
I'm sooooo Tired!!
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