Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I will survive

Good night! how are you going? I'm very tired, in a bad mood and stressed. This weeks are worse than I hope... I have nothing especially interesting to talk about, because my days are a routine: get up, go to the school, exams, have lunch, study, study, study, study... and go to sleep! oooh... I need to go out and stop thinking in the exams! I think we need a blue sky holidays...
I'm sorry for my bored words, but so many study have left me without imagination. I will survive all this tests, I must survive. I can.

[miss on her own]

Baby!! today we have done the Spanish reader book! the exam had been long but quite good, isn't it??

a bis kiss!!

How are you? I hope that you are fine!
I'm studying filosofia,pff.. is very stressed!
I'm sure that you will survive... I have the remedy: when we end the examinations we go away of party!

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