Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Carnival!!!!!!!!!
I want to talk about the feast of carnival, one of my favourites! I've always dressed up, since I was months old, and this year I've dressed up of butterly! we were looking very good, with the big big big wings and the anteens!
Friday: In the morning we went to Barcelona. In the afternoon we visited the MACBA, an exhibition called the killing machine, which was art mixted with machines, and it was done by a couple of Canada. I felt surprised wiht the exhibition, because it wasn't like the ordinary exhibitions we visit with the school! I liked it very much.
In the evening we went to the theatre. Although the performance and the actors were very good, I culdn't enjoy the play, because I was thinking that in that moment, I was missing the carnival!
When we arrived at Castelló, we get dressed, and then we went to the suposed ball. When we arrived, whe felt shocked and disapointed, tehere was no ball. All in silence. Luckily, there I found some friends that I was really looking fordward to meet!
We sat in the street, under the light of a street lamp, getting cold, and whe chatted for hours! we reminised about the past, we talked about old and funny memories about us together, and we all felt happy, in spite of the ironic situation! Nice night... we have to repeat it!
Saturday: We dressed up and we went to the parade, with our stolen trolly. I hat a great time that night!
Sunday: I couldn't get up for the morning parade: I was so tired!
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wooooooooowwwwwwwww! XD!
you all look incredibly pretty and sweet, just the way you really are... in a way, costumes eventually show part of our personality too... we choose that particular one for a given reason, don't we? ;-)
kss to all the girls!
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you all look incredibly pretty and sweet, just the way you really are... in a way, costumes eventually show part of our personality too... we choose that particular one for a given reason, don't we? ;-)
kss to all the girls!
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